And engineering ethics deals with the professional standards of engineers, including software engineers and their moral responsibilities to the public. Other fields of ethics have had to contend with technology-related issues, including military ethics, media ethics, and educational ethics. Complex manufacturing and construction techniques and organizations are needed to make and maintain more modern technologies, and entire industries have arisen to develop succeeding generations of increasingly more complex tools. Modern technology increasingly relies on training and education – their designers, builders, maintainers, and users often require sophisticated general and specific training.
- Nanobots could be used within the human body to destroy cancer cells or form new body parts, blurring the line between biology and technology.
- Btech’s talents are experienced and certified in Cloud, DevOps, and Security specialization.
- Unite – the University Network for Innovation, Technology and Engineering – works to create the European university of the future.
- The new $9 million ARC Centre for Next-Gen Architectural Manufacturing will help address the massive amounts of waste and carbon emissions created by the construction industry.
The ancient Sumerians used a potter’s wheel and may have invented it. A stone pottery wheel found in the city-state of Ur dates to around 3,429 BCE, …